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About Me

Twilight, you and me, together, we're the most powerful element.
Dawn, before the books

Twilight was always the odd pick of the litter. It didn't help that her parents forced her to move to a different state altogether. Twilight didn't know a single soul, much less any of the kids in her new middle school. They picked on her, teased her, harassed her. One day, she determined enough was enough.
"That's it!" she roared. "I'm sick of this!"
With that, Twilight gently closed her eyes and let out all her suffering and animosity.
If her eyes had fluttered open she would have noticed that darkness was enveloping, consuming the school, from the very point on which she was standing. Few select people observed a dark form inching up their arm. Teens shrieked and sprinted for their life, running on adrenaline.
Drained and distressed, Twilight shuffled away.
That was the day of Darkness.

After the marking point of Twilight's new found powers, she met Dawn, also running away.
Dawn explained to Twilight that she had the power light and Twi had darkness, oppisite.
Twilight joined Dawn and

Are you an optimist or a pessimest?

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Things I hate.

I'm on again.
I really shouldn't be.
But I can't stop writing.
Even if it's the end to all of us.
I know I should probably think this through.
But I don't.
I just type.

Enjoying spring?
I'm not.
In fact, spring is on my list of things to hate.
Here it is, spring for ya.

Reasons to hate spring:
  1. Rain. It might be Laura's best friend, but not mine. Cold, wet...need I say more? Plus, try sleeping in a puddle. Fun, huh?
  2. Allergies. Sneezing. Coughing. Sneezing. We don't exactly have a box of lotion tissues with us wherever we go.
  3. Daylight savings. Who cares about the freaking farmers?! Just 'cause they have to get up earlier, doesn't mean we have to!
  4. Mush. It's not snow. It's not rain. It's mush. It's disgusting, cold, slimy, and -most often- dirty. Ew.
  5. Spring Break. Yeah. It might mean no school for you. For us? More agents, more pets, better disguises, more people to look out for. We're not people people. Even accidently bump into someone and they jabbed a needle in your arm with poison in it. Nice.
  6. Bugs. Try sleeping with a bug buzzing around your head, landing on you and making you jump and wake up. They're just disgusting. Bees and wasps are also in this category. We don't have high-quality medication here! Spiders. They're ugly. They're creepy. And sometimes, poisonous. Plus, they're just weird. No explanation needed.
  7. Humid air. It's sticky, it's sweaty, it's mosquito infested, it's pressing down on you so hard you feel like you're being smushed by a huge invisible bolder.
  8. Summer. This season leads right to summer which I hate even more.
  9. Clouds. It looks like it's going to rain, it rains at night, it completely covers the sun...BE RELIABLE FOR ONCE!!!
  10. Spring Cleaning. No. Just no.
Stay tuned for reasons I hate summer.
I won the poll again.
I thought you already learned your lesson.
Go vote for Cellie.


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So you decided to comment huh? Well you better type fast or the agents will get you.